
Are birds smelly?

Birds aren't smelly are they? You would be surprised, says David Lindo

Wagtail guide: how to identify and where to see these small, lively birds

Where to spot these charming birds across the UK, from urban car parks to riversides and meadows.

UK pipits guide: where to see and how to identify these ground-dwelling songbirds

These unassuming birds offer a delightful surprise for those who take the time to look.

Water pipit guide: how to identify, where to see and what they sound like

A fascinating songbird found in alpine and wetland habitats across Europe and Asia.

Rock pipit guide: how to identify, where to see and what it sounds like

These small but lively birds are a common sight in UK forests and heaths.

Tree pipit guide: how to identify, where to see and what they sound like

Discover the enchanting world of tree pipits

Meadow pipit guide: how to identify, where to see and what it sounds like

These small but lively birds are a common sight in UK grasslands. Find out more...

Do birds that get lost migrating ever find their way home?

What happens to birds that get lost when migrating? Mike Toms investigates

Yellow wagtail guide: call, habitat and how to identify

How do you tell the difference between a yellow wagtail and a grey wagtail? Find out everything you need to know about this small, tail-wagging bird with our expert guide.

Grey wagtail guide: call, habitat and how to identify

What is a grey wagtail? Learn all about this little grey and yellow water-loving bird with our expert guide.

Pied wagtail guide: call, nest and how to identify

What is a pied wagtail? Learn all about this little black-and-white bird with our expert guide.

White-tailed eagle chicks born in England for only second time in 240 years

The two newborn chicks have been fitted with satellite tags so that the project team can track their progress over the coming years.

House martin guide: where they live, what they eat - and how they make their amazing nests

All you need to know about the diminutive house martin

Tawny owl guide: how to identify, what they eat - and the secret behind their musical hoot

All you need to know about the mesmerising and charismatic tawny owl

"He's off his game." Osprey chicks removed from Scottish nest and flown to Spain as dad fails to deliver

Concern for two precious osprey chicks has led to an unorthodox relocation project.

Strange tropical seabird from the Galápagos Islands spotted in Dorset

It's the third time in eight years that a red-footed booby has been sighted in the UK.

Where have our gulls gone? "Menace" seabirds in serious trouble, say experts

For the first time, the British Trust for Ornithology is asking volunteers to count gulls this autumn in a bid to help reverse dramatic population declines.

Seagull vs Gull: what's the difference?

Ever wondered about the different types of gulls soaring overhead?

A deadly virus that infects and kills blackbirds has arrived in England – and it's on the move, warn scientists

The Usutu virus was first detected in London in 2020. Now concerns are growing as it appears to be spreading across south-east England.

Ring-necked parakeet guide: what they look like, what they eat and where to see them

Unfamiliar squawks in your park? It might be a ring-necked parakeet!

How do owls twist their heads so far round?

We take a look at how owls are able to twist their heads so far round without hurting themselves

What's the difference between a buzzard and a kite?

Whether you're a birdwatcher, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about wildlife, identifying the differences between buzzards and kites will help to identify these majestic birds of prey in the wild.
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