Trees & plants

Trees & plants

What flowers grow on Britain’s highest mountains? The mountain flora that flourishes on our loftiest peaks

We take a look at the beautiful flowers that make their home at altitude

What are the most poisonous plants in the UK - and just how deadly are they? Eating just 5 berries of one could kill you

Be aware of these poisonous plants says Phil Gates, as they can be easily mistaken for something safe and tasty...

Elephant-shaped tree among 12 magnificent oaks shortlisted for Tree of the Year 2024

Other nominees include the UK's widest oak, a tree believed to be more than 1,000 years old, and an ancient specimen shrouded in rainforest bryophytes.

What's the tallest tree in the UK? The towering record breaker that's still growing

Did you know the tallest tree in the UK is over 63 metres high?

How do you know if a river is healthy? This wildflower only thrives in clean water

All you need to know about water crowfoot, including where it grows and how to identify it

Sycamore Gap tree: 'Astonishing' new shoots emerge from stump

Eight green shoots have been found growing from the base of the famous tree, 10 months after it was illegally felled.

10 dangerous weeds: If these criminal weeds are in your garden, or on your land, you could find yourself in a legal battle

We take a look at some dangerous weeds that could cost your pocket

Precious lost rainforest to return to Wales with "exciting" new restoration project

A mix of planting and natural regeneration will be used to bring 146 acres of Atlantic rainforest back to Pembrokeshire.

Bilberry guide: how to identify, where to find them and how they're different to blueberries

Bilberry: the little purple powerhouse you might not know about

So, you think you've got Japanese knotweed in your garden? Don't panic, say the experts, and ignore the scare stories

Initially introduced as an ornamental plant due to its attractive appearance, Japanese knotweed has become a botanical bully.

Remarkable before-and-after photos capture the scale of Scotland's ecological recovery

The unique photographic record, which spans 70 years, brings Scottish nature restoration into sharp focus, says Simon Birch.

Best edible weeds: 4 tasty wild plants that can grace your dining table - or picnic

Enjoy foraging? Here are four tasty weeds that will grace any dining occasion

Why are crab apples sour?

Botanist Phil Gates explains just why crab apples have a sour taste when their cousins taste so sweet

What are conkers and how do you find the best conker?

Prepare for battle with conkers this autumn

Journey into Britain’s forgotten rainforests

When we think of rainforests, the Amazon or the Congo spring to mind, but Britain has its own share, full of wild character, thronging with life and in desperate need of protection. Guy Shrubsole tells the story of these secret forgotten habitats.

Hawthorn tree guide: berry, blossom and why it's called the May tree

Learn all about the hawthorn tree, including what its leaves, blossom and berries look like, and why it is referred to as the May tree.

Common lime tree: petals, leaves, caterpillars and symbolism

Learn all about one of Britain's most spectacular tree species with our beginner's guide to common lime trees.
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