Active dogs for active people: These dog breeds are perfect for those who love long walks in the countryside

Active dogs for active people: These dog breeds are perfect for those who love long walks in the countryside

If you love the thought of country walks with a pet dog but aren’t sure which breed will suit you best, expert trainer Gwen Bailey can help you make up your mind

Published: February 3, 2025 at 11:39 am

If you're a lover of the outdoors and want to be able to take your dog on long walks in the countryside, there are plenty of breeds that will fit your brief. Lots have been bred for farmwork, while others are retrievers by nature – either way, they'll always be up for a stomp on the trails or in wide open landscapes. These are also dog breeds that are worth considering if you're a regular runner and like to be joined on the trails by a four-legged running pal.

Best active dog breeds for walking

Border Collie

These energetic British herding dogs have been bred to run! They like to stay busy, as they are still the go-to dog for farmwork so are intelligent and obedient. If you find yourself in need of moving large quantities of lifestock between pastures, for instance, they'll most certainly be up for the job.

  • Bred for: Herding sheep.
  • Size: Large; height 46-54cm, weight 14-22kg.
  • Personality: An energetic, close-bonding, willing to please workaholic.
  • Attitude to others: Reactive and needs good socialisation when young to be friendly to all.
  • Exercise requirements: Loves to chase and needs plenty of games and training to fulfill its very high need for mental and physical exercise.
  • Special characteristics: Loyal, affectionate and eager to work, quick to learn and intelligent.
  • Perfect owner: Energetic, sensitive owners who have time and room to exercise, play and train.
A black and white border collie sits patiently with a person behind it in green wellington boots
A border collie waits patiently at a herding dog competition (credit: Getty Images)


These athletic, muscular dogs need plenty of play and exercise to help keep them motivated – so are best paired with active owners that can help find outlets for their boisterous nature.

  • Bred for: Seizing and hanging on to large game until hunters arrived.
  • Size: Large; height 53-63cm, weight 25-32kg.
  • Personality: Energetic, enthusiastic and extrovert.
  • Attitude to others: Friendly.
  • Exercise requirements: Lively and agile, and needs plenty of exercise every day.
  • Special characteristics: Boxers are good-natured, tolerant, and playful, making them good companions for children.
  • Perfect owner: Boisterous families who want an energetic and exuberant companion.
A child holds onto a lead attached to a boxer dog walking on grass
Mia Tindall walks her mother Zara Phillips's boxer dog 'Spey' as she attends the Gatcombe Horse Trials (credit: Getty Images)


Beagles were bred to work in packs, so they love nothing more than heading out with others to explore, run around and burn off steam.

  • Bred for: Hunting hares and rabbits in packs.
  • Size: Medium; height 33-40cm, weight 8-14kg.
  • Personality: Happy, enthusiastic and tolerant.
  • Attitude to others: Friendly to all.
  • Exercise requirements: Boundless energy but usually content to be quiet at home if given sufficient free-running exercise outside.
  • Special characteristics: A strong desire to chase wildlife can lead to control issues outside unless careful training is started early and continued throughout life.
  • Perfect owner: Active families who appreciate the need to keep this energetic dog under control.
A beagle lies in the grass chewing a ball
A beagle enjoys chewing on a toy on a summer's day (credit: Getty Images)


Unlike some of the other dogs listed here, whippets don't necessarily need long outings – but they benefit hugely from being let off the lead and run riot in a wide open space. A whippet would love it if you had a bit of sprint training to do, for instance.

  • Bred for: Chasing and catching rabbits.
  • Size: Small; height 44-51cm, weight 12.5-13.5kg.
  • Personality: Gentle and affectionate.
  • Attitude to others: Reserved but friendly.
  • Exercise requirements: Can make do with limited exercise but needs daily bursts of free running off lead, especially when young.
  • Special characteristics: Thin coat makes it vulnerable to the cold. It needs good socialisation when young, as well as early training, to ensure control over hunting instincts on walks.
  • Perfect owner: Gentle, sensitive owners who want an independent, elegant dog.
A whippet stands in a field
A whippet waits to be taken for a quick run (credit: Getty Images)

Border Terrier

Origininally bred as hunting dogs, border terriers are a great option for active owners who may not have the space for a big, long-legged dog.

  • Bred for: Catching vermin and digging out foxes.
  • Size: Small; height 25-28cm, weight 5-7kg.
  • Personality: Affectionate, easy going and enthusiastic.
  • Attitude to others: Good with others, except small pets.
  • Exercise requirements: Lively and keen to go on long walks, but also content with quieter days with less exercise.
  • Special characteristics: Good watchdog without excessive barking.
  • Perfect owner: Families who want a small dog that is bright and keen to be involved with daily life.
A border terrier sits with its tongue out on a green field with a blue sky behind it
A border terrier taking a breath between chasing after balls (credit: Getty Images)

Yorkshire Terrier

For those active owners who may not have loads of time to spend on a day-to-day basis trudging round the countryside, Yorkshire terriers are active dogs who need plenty of shorter works and benefit from moderate exercise and chasing balls.

  • Bred for: Catching rats, by Yorkshire miners.
  • Size: Small; height 22.5-23.5cm, weight 2.5-3.5kg.
  • Personality: Affectionate, playful and feisty.
  • Attitude to others: Needs to be well socialised; care needed with small pets.
  • Exercise requirements: Daily exercise and activity needed to be calm.
  • Special characteristics: Has a big character, despite its small size, and needs plenty of socialisation and training early in life to develop a good temperament.
  • Perfect owner: Ideal for careful owners who want a small dog with a big personality.
A Yorkshire terrier sits in a field of daffodils
A Yorkshire terrier among the daffodils (credit: Getty Images)


Originally bred to run alongside carriages, dalmations love walking and jogging and can become mischievous if they don't get enough regular exercise. While you may not have a carriage to hand, a human-led walk will suffice!

  • Bred for: Running alongside carriages, guarding their masters and the horses.
  • Size: Large; height 56-61cm, weight 23-25kg.
  • Personality: Active, gentle and affectionate.
  • Attitude to others: Friendly if well socialised in early life.
  • Exercise requirements: Loves to run and hasplenty of stamina, and so needs open areas where it can exercise safely, away from traffic.
  • Special characteristics: Quiet and sensible at home, providing it gets the exercise it needs.
  • Perfect owner: Active families who enjoy regular long walks in the countryside.
A dalmation walks in a field with trees behind
A dalmation marches on (credit: Getty Images)

Labrador Retriever

Labradors need plenty of exercise to keep them on track, and will happily run along with you for hours. They have plenty of energy, but are also good at pacing themselves so will come along for more substantial hikes as well.

  • Bred for: Originally, to assist anglers in the cold waters of Labrador, Canada. Later used for flushing and retrieving game.
  • Size: Large; height 55-57cm, weight 25-34kg.
  • Personality: Amiable, fun-loving and playful.
  • Attitude to others: Easygoing and friendly.
  • Exercise requirements: Plenty of daily exercise and toy play needed to keep it content.
  • Special characteristics: A powerful swimmer, and loves to play games. It will need lots of chews when young to save family possessions from being shredded.
  • Perfect owner: A good choice for families.
Black labrador sitting on path woods
Beautiful black labrador dog on a walk in the woods or forest on a dirt track or path in the UK

English Cocker Spaniel

Cocker spaniels enjoy running, playing fetch and swimming, so you'll have a companion if you fancy embarking on a mini weekend triathlon.

  • Bred for: Flushing and retrieving game.
  • Size: Medium; height 38-41cm, weight 13-14.5kg.
  • Personality: Lively, enthusiastic, strong willed, but eager to please.
  • Attitude to others: Friendly and outgoing.
  • Exercise requirements: Needs energetic walks and plenty of play daily.
  • Special characteristics: Can be strong-willed, so you need to put in the time to socialise and train it well when young.
  • Perfect owner: Active owners who are determined but kind, and have plenty of time to exercise and train this intelligent dog.
English cocker spaniel
English cocker spaniel. Credit: Getty

English Springer Spaniel

Springer spaniels are full of energy and always enjoy a long walk – if anything, they're more active than their cocker spaniel counterparts.

  • Bred for: Flushing and retrieving game.
  • Size: Medium; height 46-48cm, weight 16-20kg.
  • Personality: Happy, enthusiastic and willing to please.
  • Attitude to others: Friendly to all.
  • Exercise requirements: Will work tirelessly all day and still be ready for more, so will require long walks and lots of play to feel content.
  • Special characteristics: Makes a gentle but enthusiastic playmate for children.
  • Perfect owner: Active owners with plenty of time and energy. Ideal for families or dog sport enthusiasts.
Portrait of springer spaniel standing on field
Spaniel (English Springer)/Credit: Getty

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