Outdoor Skills

Outdoor Skills

Spring blossom is out now - here's how to identify it

As light flows slowly back into our woodlands and hedgerows, once-bare branches begin to bloom again. It's blossom season – but how do you tell the difference between blackthorn and hawthorn, rowan and wild cherry?

Hay fever season has begun – here are 6 simple ways to beat it

Find out when hay fever season is, what causes hay fever, and simple tips to help tackle it.

When does autumn start? Here's everything you need to know about the golden season

Autumn is a vibrant season of colour, woodland stomps and hot chocolates. But when does autumn start? And what are the first signs to look for?

How to fell a tree

Felling a tree is dangerous says Fergus Collins, so only those with the appropriate skills should do it - and if in doubt call in a tree surgeon

"There are 180,000 miles of drystone walls in the UK; let's show them a little love," says Adam Henson

Drystone walls are an essential part of Britain’s countryside, offering protection for our landscape and wildlife. Farmer Adam Henson explains why we need to keep the skills of drystone walling alive.

Longshore drift: what it is and how it has shaped the UK's coastline

Remember longshore drift from school geography? Vaguely? Don't worry, here is a quick reminder on what it is and how it has shaped our beautiful beaches

How to preserve autumn leaves and berries

Collect autumn leaves and preserve them in glycerine to create the perfect focal point for creative winter projects
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