Contact us

BBC Countryfile Magazine 

Do get in touch with us if you’d like to make a comment about BBC Countryfile Magazine, this website, our podcast, or anything else outdoor or countryside related.


Group editor, Paul McGuinness


Tel: 0117 314 7399

Postal address

BBC Countryfile Magazine

Eagle House, Bristol, BS1 4ST


Group advertising Manager, Adrian Miles

Tel: 0117 927 9009


Subscriptions and back issues

Our helpful customer service team will happily answer your BBC Countryfile magazine subscription queries:
Tel: 03330 162 112†


For overseas readers, please call (0)1604 973 720†

Or write to:

BBC Countryfile Magazine,
3 Queensbridge,
United Kingdom

†Calls from landlines will cost up to 9p per minute. Call charges from mobile phones will cost between 3p and 55p per minute but are included in free call packages.  Lines are open 8.00am – 6.00pm weekdays and 9.00am – 1pm Saturday for orders only.

Back issues can also be bought at

For magazine subscriptions FAQs and information on mailing dates of latest issues please visit here.

The BBC Countryfile Magazine team are unable to access and manage customer subscription records. We recommend contacting the customer service team using one of the above forms to ensure your query can be managed quickly and effectively.

TV Show

How do I contact BBC Countryfile?

To contact the BBC Countryfile TV programme team, please email or you find them on Twitter @BBCCountryfile

How do I order a Countryfile Calendar?

Please view our guide to the Countryfile Calendar for 2020

Sending in ideas for BBC Countryfile Magazine

If you have an idea for a story that is interesting, entertaining and never previously covered by the magazine, email your ideas to managing editor Matt Baird at Matthew.baird@ourmedia-co-uk, or write to Matt at the Eagle House address above. Read the full guidelines for submitting an idea.  

Work experience

BBC Countryfile Magazine welcomes work experience students for a one- or two-week period.

Please note, the minimum age for applicants is 18.

The work placement provides an insight into the magazine publishing industry and an opportunity to work alongside an established editorial team.

Applicants should be familiar with BBC Countryfile Magazine and its associated digital products. We will consider applications from the following groups of students:

1. Students who can demonstrate a passion for journalism and the countryside through examples of work published in print or online, for example articles for a student newspaper or stories on your own blog.

2. Postgraduate communication students, or students taking a postgraduate journalism course.

Please send a CV and examples/links to published work to, ensuring that you include the following information:

  • Name
  • Postal address and email address
  • Telephone number
  • Date of birth
  • Title of course
  • Brief statement explaining why you'd like to do work experience on BBC Countryfile Magazine
  • The preferred dates of your placement

Due to the high volume of requests we receive we cannot always accommodate specific requests.


If you have a legal complaint or are concerned about a contribution to our website, please read our complaints escalation page.

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