Do dogs get hay fever? A guide to how you can help ease seasonal allergy symptoms in your dog

Do dogs get hay fever? A guide to how you can help ease seasonal allergy symptoms in your dog

Did you know dogs can get hay fever? Here's how to help them

Published: June 10, 2024 at 3:45 pm

Hay fever sufferers often quickly reach for antihistamines and tissues, but the impact hay fever can have on our pets is often overlooked.

Veterinary surgeon, Sarah Page-Jones, explains how to protect your pets from pollen and seasonal allergies. 

What are the symptoms of hay fever in dogs?

As the pollen count rises, you may notice changes in your dog’s behaviour, especially after you’ve been playing in the garden together or been out for a walk. Much like humans, dogs can suffer from environmental allergies.

The main difference is that whilst humans experience a runny nose, sneezing, and irritated eyes, animals often show signs of skin irritation. So, you may find your pet scratches or chews their skin or nibbles their paws, and their skin may look red or inflamed. 

Seasonal allergies can also affect how your pet is feeling, so look out for decreased energy levels, lethargy and irritability. 

Recognising these signs early on is crucial for timely relief that will help put your pet at ease and make them feel more comfortable. If you are worried about seasonal allergies, or if your pet is showing human-type hay fever signs, make an appointment with your vet.

What causes hay fever?

Unfortunately, for our animals they can develop seasonal allergies at any time, but they will often begin to develop symptoms at an early age.

Allergies can be triggered by tree pollen, grass pollen, and flowering weeds. You’re most likely to see your pet suffer from the end of March until September.

It isn’t just pollen that can cause allergies in pets. Animals are more commonly allergic to fleas or house dust mites. The presence of dust mites peaks in summer as they thrive in warm, humid places and nest in beds, fabric and carpets.

How to manage hay fever in dogs

Once you understand what’s causing your pet’s symptoms you can better support them. 

  • Planning your dog walking routes to avoid high-risk areas can be a great way of managing pollen exposure. Walking your dog in the early morning or late evening when the pollen count tends to be lowest can also be helpful. 
  • If you find your pet is particularly sensitive, gently washing them with specialist shampoo (your veterinary surgeon will be able to recommend one) after a walk can provide them with quick relief.
  • During summer months when pollen tends to be higher, booking regular grooming appointments and keeping your pet’s fur shorter will also help keep them cool. In addition, wiping your pets’ paws and muzzle can remove any pollen clinging to their fur.
  • For dust mite allergies, there are other steps you can take in your home, such as regularly washing your pet’s bedding and toys and using a vacuum more frequently. Sweeping can kick up pollen and dust from the floor so stick to vacuuming and remember to keep up with your pet’s regular flea and worm treatment. 

If you notice your pet has symptoms and you’re worried please visit your vet. They will be able to offer advice on the right course of investigation and treatment tailored to your pet’s specific needs.

Sarah Page-Jones is lead consultant veterinary surgeon at Pet Drugs Online.

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