Do pet rabbits need vaccinations? Keep your pet healthy and happy

Do pet rabbits need vaccinations? Keep your pet healthy and happy

All you need to know about vaccinating your pet rabbit

Published: June 5, 2024 at 9:29 am

Like every responsible pet owner, you will want your pet rabbit to live a happy, healthy life and an important part of this is having them vaccinated against contagious and potentially life-threatening diseases, says veterinary nurse Sarah Cottle.

Taking your pet rabbit to the vet’s for their vaccinations is also a great opportunity to have your rabbit weighed and to ask your vet to check them over to ensure they are well and have no signs of any problems.

Why do we vaccinate rabbits?

Vaccination creates immunity, which is the natural ability to fight infection, by exposing the body to a small but entirely harmless dose of the diseases we want to protect against.

How old do rabbits have to be before being vaccinated?

Rabbit kits are protected in the first few weeks of their life due to immunity passed through their mum’s milk, however the effects diminish rapidly. Rabbits can be vaccinated from five weeks old to ensure they are kept safe and protected against dangerous diseases.

What vaccinations does my rabbit need?

The two diseases your rabbit should be routinely vaccinated against are myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic Disease (RVHD) strains one and two. A triple vaccination for these diseases is available.


This disease can spread from wild rabbits to pet rabbits via fleas and biting insects, so in addition to vaccination it is worth minimising the risk of flea transmission using safe products recommended by your vet and doing the same for other pets in your home such as cats. 

Symptoms of myxomatosis include runny eyes and nose, low energy, reduced or absent appetite, swelling around the eyes/face/ears and genitals, a fever, breathing issues and bumpy/scabby skin on the body and face.

Rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease (RVHD, strains one and two) 

RHVD can spread rapidly from rabbit to rabbit and the disease can be passed through contact with outdoor clothing and footwear, so caution is needed to avoid accidentally introducing the disease. Symptoms of RVHD include a high fever, low energy, reduced or absent appetite, bleeding from the nose, mouth or bottom or sudden unexplained death.

How often does my rabbit need to be vaccinated?

Vaccination against myxomatosis and both strains of RVHD are needed annually. These diseases are usually rapidly fatal to an unvaccinated rabbit, and no cures exist. 

What happens at a vaccination appointment?

When your rabbit attends a vaccination appointment, the vet will give them a full health check and record their weight. They will discuss any concerns with you and, providing your rabbit is well, they will receive a small injection, which is often given under the skin on the back of the neck.

Your vet will then fill in your rabbit’s vaccination card and advise you on when the next injection is required to achieve continued protection. Keep the vaccination record card safe as you will need this for future appointments. 

Will my rabbit feel poorly after their vaccinations?

Most rabbits show no symptoms of feeling poorly after their vaccinations. Mild signs, such as being a little quiet or having a mild increase in body temperature, can be seen but usually rabbits will be back to their normal self within 24 hours or so. 

On occasion, a little swelling can be felt at the scruff of the neck where the vaccine was given and usually goes down within three weeks. If the swelling is still present after this time, it is worth contacting your vet for further advice.

Serious vaccine reactions are very rare, and the risks are far outweighed by the protection vaccines offer. Any vaccine reactions can be reported by vets or owners to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD).

If your rabbit ever seems poorly after a vaccine, is off their food or you are worried about them, call your vet practice for advice.

What do I do if my rabbit is unvaccinated or has missed their booster vaccination?

If you are concerned that your rabbit is not vaccinated or has gone over a year between booster vaccinations, then speak to your vet practice. If there is no evidence to suggest they are up to date with vaccines, it is often sensible and safest to revaccinate them. This will not cause any harm and will ensure your rabbit is fully protected going forwards.

If you have any questions about vaccination reach out to your vet for further advice.

Qualified veterinary nurse Sarah Cottle is nursing team leader at Beechwood Veterinary Group in Leeds. 

Beechwood Veterinary Group is part of VetPartners, a UK and European veterinary group, which includes first opinion practices for large animals, equine and small animals as well as a growing network of referral practices that offer specialist care for small animal and equine patients.

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