Dog vaccinations explained: what vaccinations do dogs need and when should puppies receive their first?

Dog vaccinations explained: what vaccinations do dogs need and when should puppies receive their first?

Just like humans, dogs need to be vaccinated against serious illness. Veterinary nurse Samantha Felton explains what vaccinations they need when

Published: February 13, 2024 at 5:28 pm

It’s important that dogs are vaccinated to protect them against serious diseases, says veterinary nurse Samantha Felton. Puppies are protected in the first few weeks of life due to immunity passed through their mum’s milk, however, this quickly fades and they’ll need their first vaccination when they’re around eight weeks old. 

They’ll usually receive a primary course of two injections given two to four weeks apart, then boosters are needed to maintain protection. 

What vaccinations do dogs need?

Routine vaccinations protect against four contagious, potentially life-threatening diseases:

• Canine distemper – A highly contagious virus that affects the digestive, skin, breathing, immune and nervous systems, and is spread through infected bodily fluids, such as saliva, urine and blood. There’s no cure for this virus; some dogs will recover with intensive treatment, but many, sadly, do not survive. Thankfully, vaccinations have made it less common in the UK.

• Infectious canine hepatitis – Attacks the liver and other major organs and is also spread through infected bodily fluids. There is no cure, but symptoms may be managed in mild cases. Severe cases can develop liver failure and, unfortunately, may not survive.

• Parvovirus – A serious disease caught when dogs come into contact with infected dog poo and bodily fluids. Parvovirus causes severe vomiting, diarrhoea and dehydration. Young dogs are particularly susceptible and some areas of the UK have higher numbers of cases than others.

• Leptospirosis – A bacterial infection carried by cows, dogs and rodents, dogs can catch it by swimming in or drinking contaminated water or being in contact with infected urine. It attacks the vital organs and can also be spread to humans.

When should puppies have their first vaccination?

While a puppy’s first injection is usually given at around eight weeks of age, in some circumstances they may start vaccinations as young as four to six weeks old – speak to your vet for guidance on this. The puppy will be protected against disease two to four weeks after the second injection.

It’s important that puppies do not walk around in public areas, or anywhere unvaccinated dogs may have been until they are fully vaccinated, and their final vaccine has had time to work. This is generally around a week after their second vaccination, however, be aware that certain places, such as waterways and farmland can pose a higher risk, and you may need to wait up to a month after the final vaccine before exploring freely. Your vet will be able to advise you, based on your puppy’s individual situation and any risks in your local area.

How often do dogs need vaccinating?

To maintain immunity, dogs need to be vaccinated every year for leptospirosis and every three years for canine distemper, parvovirus and canine infectious hepatitis.

Do I need to vaccinate against kennel cough?

If your dog will be mixing with other dogs, it’s sensible to also get them vaccinated for kennel cough. While it doesn’t tend to cause serious illness, it can cause a nasty, honking cough and is very contagious. To minimise the risk, a yearly vaccination is required, and vaccines should be given at least three weeks before your dog goes into kennels.

Do I need to vaccinate my dog against rabies?

Your dog will need a rabies vaccination if you plan to take them on holiday with you. Rabies is a life-threatening and often fatal infection of the brain and nerves and, while it’s not normally found in the UK, vaccination is essential if your dog is going abroad. Dogs must be at least 12 weeks of age to receive this vaccine and they can’t travel until at least 21 days afterwards. Your vet can give you more information about this.

What happens at a vaccination appointment?

Your vet will give your dog a full health check and record their weight. They’ll discuss any concerns with you and, providing your dog is well, will give them a small injection, usually under the skin on the back of the neck. Your vet will then fill in your dog’s vaccination card and advise you on when the next injection is required.

Will my dog feel poorly after their vaccinations?

Most dogs show no symptoms after having a vaccination. Mild signs, such as being a little quiet or less interested in food are sometimes seen. Sometimes, a small swelling can be felt at the scruff of the neck where the vaccine was given and will usually go down. If you’re unsure, call your vet.

Serious vaccine reactions are rare, and the risks are far outweighed by the protection vaccines offer. Any vaccine reactions can be reported online to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) by vets or dog owners.

If your dog ever seems unwell after a vaccine or you are worried about them having a vaccine, reach out to your vet for further advice and support.

Vaccine record cards

When your dog is vaccinated, your vet will give you a vaccination record card. Keep this safe as you will need it when you take your puppy to training classes; when your dog has further vaccinations; and if you put your dog in kennels.

What do I do if my dog misses a booster?

If you are concerned that your dog is not vaccinated or has gone over a year between booster vaccinations, then speak to your vet. If there is no evidence to suggest they are vaccinated, or it has been too long since their last booster, it is often safest to start the primary vaccination course from scratch. 

Do elderly dogs still need to be vaccinated?

Generally, as pets get older, they can become more vulnerable to infections and may find it harder to fight off diseases if they become unwell. For this reason, it’s sensible to ensure elderly pets keep up to date with their vaccinations unless otherwise advised by your vet.

If you have any questions about vaccinating your pet, speak to your vet for further advice.

Love dogs? Check out our pets section for advice on a variety of topics from how to housetrain your puppy to how to get rid of fleas

Samantha Felton is deputy head nurse at Beechwood Veterinary Group in Leeds. Samantha qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2019 and her role includes surgical nursing, carrying out nurse consultations and caring for the patients within the hospital.

Beechwood Veterinary Group is part of VetPartners, a UK and European veterinary group. Find your nearest VetPartners practice.

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