Planet parade 2025: Here are the best Dark Sky locations to see planetary alignment for the last time until 2040

Planet parade 2025: Here are the best Dark Sky locations to see planetary alignment for the last time until 2040

If you want the best chances of seeing this year's planetary alignment, head to a Dark Sky site. The UK has a growing number of them – here's our expert guide on the best locations to stargaze in Britain, advice to help you see more in the dark, and basic equipment to help you get started

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Published: February 26, 2025 at 9:53 am

A rare planetary alignment, also described as a 'planet parade', will be visible in UK skies this week from Tuesday 25–Friday 28 February. But while budding astronomers are excited to see this spectacular phenomenon (the last time it occurs until 2040), experts are warning that the planets may be trickier to spot than you think.

Your best opportunity to see the planet parade is in an area with low light pollution. Light pollution has been a real problem for astronomers in the UK. Street lights, industrial estates and motorway illuminations have all made it harder to get a good view of the night sky. But in recent years, volunteers and enthusiasts have joined forces with the National Trust, the National Parks and the DarkSky International (DarkSky) to make stargazing a reality again in many parts of the UK, by reducing lights, or replacing them with non-polluting models.

Our expert stargazing guide shares the best locations to see the planetary alignment and stargaze in Britain, advice to help you see more in the dark, and basic stargazing equipment to help you get started.

What is a Dark Sky Discovery Site?

Dark Sky Discovery Sites are designated by DarkSky as being sufficiently low in light pollution to allow the viewing of exceptionally starry skies. They also offer facilities that promote dark-skies education and appreciation. It must adhere to guidelines set by DarkSky, such as: it should be 100m² in area; either the seven main stars in Orion or The Milky Way must be visible to the naked eye; it must be accessible to wheelchair users; and ideally the site should be freely open to the public.

Where are the UK's Dark Sky Discovery Sites?

DarkSky has recognised many Dark Sky Discovery sites in the UK which are classed as 'Orion' sites and 'Milky Way' sites. You can view all of the sites on an interactive map. Dark Sky Places are larger areas of land where you can stargaze – in the UK, these are often national parks. The UK's Dark Sky Places are:

Night sky
The night sky over Chew Magna in Somerset. Credit: Getty Images

Where are the best places for stargazing in the UK?

Your first encounter with dark skies is a truly memorable experience. Away from light pollution, the Milky Way dominates the sky and the familiar constellations are filled with countless stars. But where to go to get the best views? Chris Bramley, editor of BBC Sky at Night Magazine, rounds up some of the UK's best starry-sky sites.

Northumberland Dark Sky Park

Northumberland Dark Sky Park covers nearly 600 square miles. Much of the area is wild and remote with few settlements, so light pollution is minimal; as a result, you can see an amazing number of stars.

One of the best viewing sites is Cawfields Quarry Picnic Site in the central section of Hadrian’s Wall near Haltwhistle, while at Kielder Observatory you can learn about the night sky, use powerful telescopes and meet experienced astronomers.

Several astronomical societies run public star gazing events, including Kielder Forest Star Camp, which is a big camping party where astronomers get together to observe the sky. Autumn and winter are the best times to visit. Avoid midsummer, when the northern latitude means lighter skies and less to see.

From Northumberland National Park and Kielder Water and Forest Park, it's obvious how the Milky Way got its name. Regular stargazing evenings are held in this protected wilderness, with the modernist Kielder Observatory serving as a hub.

Coll Forest Dark Sky Community

Coll is a small Hebridean island four miles west from Mull off the west coast of Scotland. It has beautiful beaches, fantastic wildlife and no street lighting, meaning its skies are black as velvet.

In December 2013 it was awarded Dark Sky Community status, which means it’s officially one of the best places for astronomy in the UK. The designation follows years of work by the island’s 200-strong community, who carried out an audit of lights and refitted those that spoiled the view for stargazers. Readings with a sky brightness meter showed that Coll has some of the darkest skies in Europe.

Winter offers the best night skies and there are three particularly good viewing areas: the reserve car park at the RSPB reserve Totronald; up behind the church in the village of Arinagour; and at the football pitch at Cliad.

Galloway Forest Dark Sky Park

Galloway Forest Park in Scotland was the UK's first dark sky site. Credit: Geograph, Ann Cook

Not many people live in Galloway Forest Park in southeast Scotland and as a result the 300 square miles of mixed landscape are a haven for wildlife that includes otters and pine martens. The park has some of the best dark skies in Europe – so very dark that in 2009 it became the UK’s first ever Dark Sky Park.

The park’s website has a Dark Sky leaflet that shows where to go and what to look for, with star maps of the constellations. You can see the Milky Way all year round and in autumn, looking north, you can see Cassiopeia. In spring, looking south, you are able to see Leo, Gemini, Regulus, Capella and the Pleiades star cluster.

If you’re not quite sure what to look for, try joining one of the regular observing sessions held at Kirroughtree Visitor Centre.

Sark Dark Sky Island

The starry sky over La Coupée in Sark. Credit: Getty

Sark, one of the smallest of the Channel Islands, lies just off the Normandy coast. Its dramatic coastline offers unblemished views of the stars, thanks to the absence of public lighting and cars (save for a handful of tractors).

It’s a relaxed little place, with no cars and little tourist infrastructure. This makes it so ideal for stargazing that in 2011 it was declared the first Dark Sky Island in the world. The 600-strong community works together to ensure as little light pollution as possible in order to avoid blotting out the starlight. As a result, if you gaze heavenward on a clear night you can see the spectacular sight of the Milky Way reaching across the sky from one horizon to the other.

September and October are good times to go, when it’s not too cold but the nights are getting longer and the winter constellations are appearing.

Old wooden huts on Winterton Beach, Norfolk, at night. Credit: Getty

How to stargaze with the naked eye

Check the moon phase is before planning your stargazing trip. You’ll see more if you go stargazing before a full moon.

Download a stargazing app – it’ll help you spot stars and constellations more easily. Just be careful not to look at your phone too much as it can reduce your night vision. Try Star Walk (iPhone) or Sky Map (Android). The Stellarium desktop app can be used on a home computer, to plan ahead for your stargazing adventure.

Take a compass to help you orientate yourself when looking at the stars. You can use a compass app on a smartphone instead – but again, looking at bright screens will hamper your night vision.

Once you’re orientated and have identified likely spots for stars, turn off any lights and torches and put your mobile away. Your eyes will need about 20 minutes to adjust to the darkness, so now’s a good time to have some soup or a hot drink.

You'll get a better view lying on your back, and won't get a sore neck! Credit: Getty

What can you see in the sky at different times of year?

Although the stars in the northern sky are visible all year round, it is easier to see certain features at particular times of the year.

In winter, look for star clusters, constellations and December’s Geminids meteor shower. In spring, the planets are more visible, while in summer there is the Perseid meteor shower. During autumn the Milky Way is more visible and the Orionids meteor shower takes place in October.

Many stargazing sites host monthly events, so it’s worth checking what’s available near you via Dark Sky Discovery, National Parks and the National Trust.

CASTLETON, UNITED KINGDOM - AUGUST 13: James Ritson points skywards as a meteor streaks across the night sky above New Ralph's Cross on August 13, 2013 over the North Yorkshire Moors, United Kingdom. The Perseid Meteor shower is visible from mid-july each year with peak activity being between the 9th and 14th of August. During the peak, the rate of meteors can reach 60 or more per hour. They can be seen all across the sky as they gradually fall away from the tail of the Swift-Tuttle comet. (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images)
The Perseid meteor shower, seen over New Ralph's Cross, Castleton, on the North York Moors. Credit: Getty

What equipment do you need for stargazing?

For stargazing, you simply need to choose your spot and look up. You don’t necessarily need a telescope; even a pair of good 10x50 binoculars will let you see the moons of Jupiter and the Andromeda galaxy.

Take a blanket or camping mat to lie on to keep you warm. You’ll be able to enjoy the experience more if you’re not trying to stargaze by craning your neck while standing up. If you're going out in the winter, don't forget to layer up in cold weather gear to keep toasty.

Bring a torch, but tape a red light filter onto it or use a rear bike light as a torch – red light will affect your night vision much less than a bright white light.

Astrophotography tips for beginners

So, you know where to stargaze and how to identify night sky phenomena. Why not take your skills to the next level and try astrophotography? We asked Josh Dury, award-winning photographer whose work has been recognised by NASA and National Geographic, for his top tips.

Check the weather in advance

You need clear skies when taking photographs of the stars, so look ahead to see when your next clear sky is due. Also consider the phase of the moon and aim to avoid days near the full moon; when the moon is towards its ‘newer’ phase, you’ll be able to capture images with lower light pollution.

Key equipment

You don’t need expensive cameras to capture striking images. All you need is a conventional DSLR camera and a tripod. Become more familiar with your camera settings and don’t be afraid to take test shots. As your confidence grows, you can start using different lenses to capture unique images from a different perspective.

Know your stuff

Astrophotography requires some basic knowledge of the night sky. There are some excellent books and online resources you can use to find out when features of interest will be visible. Some good examples are Philip’s Stargazing 2025 Month-by-Month Guide to the Night Sky and BBC Sky at Night Magazine.

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