Adele Brand
Adele Brand is a wildlife researcher, ecologist, writer and author of The Hidden World of the Fox (William Collins, £12.99).
Recent articles by Adele Brand
It's as heavy as a car, as pale as the moon and looks like a giant dustbin lid – meet one of the ocean's strangest fish
This bizarre beauty is the second largest bony fish in the world – and it can be seen in UK waters.
Red deer species guide: how to spot, where to see and when they rut
Discover more about the majestic red deer.
House martin guide: where they live, what they eat - and how they make their amazing nests
All you need to know about the diminutive house martin
How do you know if a river is healthy? This wildflower only thrives in clean water
All you need to know about water crowfoot, including where it grows and how to identify it
Tawny owl guide: how to identify, what they eat - and the secret behind their musical hoot
All you need to know about the mesmerising and charismatic tawny owl
Bottlenose dolphin guide: Everything you need to know about these fascinating creatures
Learn all about the endearing bottlenose dolphin, which lives and plays in the waters off the British coastline
Meet the highly venomous weever fish, which lurks just below the low water mark on our shores
To tread on a weever fish is to taunt a tiger says Adele Brand - and you won't like the painful consequences
Meet Britain's tarantula, the purseweb spider
Does Britain have tarantulas? Yes says Adele Brand, or at least a spider that belongs to the same family. Meet the purseweb spider
Great crested newt: habits, habitats and conservation
Discover more about this fascinating amphibian, which could even be in your garden
Moles: how do they see in the dark, what do they eat and why are they missing in some parts of the UK
Discover the fascinating world of moles, including what they look like, what they eat and if they can see in the dark
Muntjac guide: meet the strange barking deer with fangs
Curious about these charming creatures? Our guide offers a glimpse into the world of secretive muntjac deer
Stag beetle guide: fascinating facts about the UK's largest beetle
Uncover the secret life of stag beetles: these majestic insects reveal a fascinating tale of survival and adaptation
Fox cubs: when to see them, what they're called and what they sound like
Discover the fascinating behaviours and development milestones of these charming young creatures.
Pool frog: A quick guide to the UK's rarest amphibian
Once dismissed as an invasive species, Britain's rarest native amphibian is finding its place once more in the countryside. Find out how to identify a pool frog, species facts and what's being done to safe it with our expert guide.
Beavers have been recruited to reduce flooding in an ancient English village. And it's working
Five years after being released on Spains Hall Estate in Essex, beavers are rewriting the landscape and reducing the risks of both drought and flooding.
What do ladybirds eat?
What do ladybirds eat? Do ladybirds bite? How long do they live? And where do they live? Find out all about these spotted insects with our expert guide.
Roe deer guide: how to identify, where to see and species facts
Once abundant, then almost gone, now rising again, this native species knew this land before we named it and has become a parable of ecological change.
Blackthorn guide: how to identify, folklore and uses
As February turns to March, millions of tiny blooms spring from the spiny shrubs in our hedgerows, covering their dark stems in creamy white blossom – later in the year, sloe berries appear. Learn all about blackthorn through the seasons with our expert guide.
Fox guide: behaviour, mating patterns and how to identify
We're used to seeing foxes scavenging in bins, but what's the difference between urban and rural foxes? We're here to answer all your questions about foxes, from their lifespan and behaviours to their habitats and diet