Author Dominic Couzens
Dominic Couzens

Dominic Couzens

Bird expert and best selling nature author

Dominic Couzens is a nature writer, speaker and tour leader. He is the author of numerous books about birds, including Bird ID Insights, The Secret Life of Puffins and Tales of Remarkable Birds.

Recent articles by Dominic Couzens

"February is never dull if you’re a great crested grebe" – don't miss their sublime water ballet this month

The great crested grebe's stunning courtship performance culminates with the grebes holding waterweed in their bills and paddling furiously in an upright position parallel to one another, in almost perfect unison. Learn all about this majestic waterbird – including what it looks like, breeding and nesting habitats, UK habitat and distribution – with your expert birder's guide

Its muscles shrivel, its organs swell and it loses the power to fly – the remarkable body transformation of one of the world's strangest birds

Meet the record-breaking black-necked grebe

Wagtail guide: how to identify and where to see these small, lively birds

Where to spot these charming birds across the UK, from urban car parks to riversides and meadows.

UK pipits guide: where to see and how to identify these ground-dwelling songbirds

These unassuming birds offer a delightful surprise for those who take the time to look.

Water pipit guide: how to identify, where to see and what they sound like

A fascinating songbird found in alpine and wetland habitats across Europe and Asia.

Rock pipit guide: how to identify, where to see and what it sounds like

These small but lively birds are a common sight in UK forests and heaths.

Tree pipit guide: how to identify, where to see and what they sound like

Discover the enchanting world of tree pipits

Meadow pipit guide: how to identify, where to see and what it sounds like

These small but lively birds are a common sight in UK grasslands. Find out more...

Yellow wagtail guide: call, habitat and how to identify

How do you tell the difference between a yellow wagtail and a grey wagtail? Find out everything you need to know about this small, tail-wagging bird with our expert guide.

Grey wagtail guide: call, habitat and how to identify

What is a grey wagtail? Learn all about this little grey and yellow water-loving bird with our expert guide.

Pied wagtail guide: call, nest and how to identify

What is a pied wagtail? Learn all about this little black-and-white bird with our expert guide.

Snow bunting guide: identification, call and UK distribution

The snow bunting breeds further north than any other small bird in the world. Learn all about this tough little songbird, including what it looks like, its call, favoured UK habitat and incredible adaptations with your expert birder's guide.

Lapland bunting guide: identification, call and facts

The Lapland bunting is a very rare winter visitor in the UK, with the occasional pair breeding. Learn all about this tundra bird, including what it looks like, its call, favoured habitat and breeding with your expert birder's guide.

Dabchick: where does the little grebe gets its peculiar name?

The little grebe is diminutive and plump with a thin neck and small head. Learn all about this diving grebe – including plumage, call, diet and habitat – with your expert birder's guide

Meet Britain's surprising killer bird

With a maximum of 60 individuals overwintering in the UK, the red-necked grebe is one of our rarest waterbirds. Yet with a habit of killing other bird species and its rowdy call, alongside its unerring beauty, its reputation far exceeds its numbers. Learn more this fiery member of the grebe family with your expert guide

Why the Slavonian grebe's courtship display is one of the greatest shows on Earth

Visit Scotland in spring and you might be lucky enough to catch a pair of Slavonian grebes taking part in their showy courtship display, known as the “weed rush”. Learn all about this chestnut-brown waterbird – including what it looks like, courtship, diet and plumage – with your expert guide.

Grebe guide: British species, how to identify and where to see them

Duck-like and characterful, often with poetic courtship displays, Britain's grebes make a marvellous sighting for any birdwatcher. Here, we reveal five species to look out for in the UK.

Cirl bunting guide: how to identify, call and amazing facts

The cirl bunting has a dry trill on a single note, a bit like an insect. Learn all about this rare songbird, including what it looks like, its call, favoured UK habitat and distribution with your expert birder's guide

Corn bunting guide: call, how to identify and surprising facts

The corn bunting can be tricky to identify, but look a little closer at this unassuming bunting and you'll find plenty of surprises. Learn all about the songbird, including what it looks like, its call, favoured habitat and courtship with your expert birder's guide

Reed bunting guide: call, appearance and facts

The reed bunting can be seen all year round in the UK in a variety of habitats, from reedbeds and marshes to farmland, heathland and coastal grassland. Learn all about this small brown bunting, including what it looks like, its call and the difference between males and females with your expert guide.

Yellowhammer guide: song, appearance, breeding and facts

The yellowhammer is one of the easiest buntings to identify in the UK. Learn all about this famous songster, including what it looks like, its summer song and its breeding behaviour with your expert guide

Fly into the secretive world of buntings with your definitive guide to these magical songbirds

Buntings are a group of seed-eating songbirds that bear many of the same characteristics as finches. In this guide, we explore the differences and reveal six species to look out for in the UK.
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