Rosee Woodland
Textile Designer
Rosee Woodland is a designer and freelance journalist. She lives in Bristol with her family and their Boston terrier, Ponyo. See specialises in knitting design and grading, and regularly teaches classes for A Yarn Story in Bath. She’s worked with leading brands in the craft industry including Rowan, Patons, Aurifil, Rico Design and Lewis & Irene. Her work has been featured in many magazines including The Knitter, Knit Now, Simply Knitting, Mollie Makes, Simply Sewing and Simply Crochet. When she’s not busy making she shares her wild swimming adventures at www.iswimlikeagirl.com.
Jobs for the garden this winter
The first British woman to swim the Channel has inspired a film - here's the extraordinary story of Mercedes Gleitze
In 1927, Brighton-born Mercedes Gleitze became the first British woman to swim the English Channel – and a star was born
Britain's best lidos and sea pools
K is for Knitting: mindfulness in nature
Britain's best festive ice-skating rinks
The allotment diary: summer drought
The allotment diary: clearing the wilderness area
With so many plotholders on site, it's important that communal areas are dealt with sensitively. Unfortunately, some recent clearance of the biodiversity zone overstepped the mark...
The allotment diary: planting strawberries and garlic
Winter is here, but there's still a little time to dig over beds and make some late plantings
The allotment diary: First harvest
Despite only have her plot a couple of months, Rosee Woodland has got lucky with the weather and is enjoying the fruits (and veg) of her labours.
The allotment diary: wildlife watching
The allotment diary: starting to plant
The allotment diary: the long awaited plot
Harvest mice having a ball in their new home
Ingenious animal welfare officers have served up an ace home to two rescued harvest mice - an old tennis ball!
Flight of the Swans campaign lands in Downing Street
Conservationist fighting to save Bewick's swans deliver petition calling for more wetlands
Loch Arkaig forest saved by people power
Campaigners have teamed up with the Woodland Trust to protect and restore the historic Caledonian pinewood