Steph Wetherell
Steph Wetherell is a freelance writer who specialises in local and sustainable food and farming.
Recent articles by Steph Wetherell
Meet the Clydesdale horse: the gentle equine giant of Scotland
With their striking appearance and calm demeanour, Clydesdale horsess continue to capture hearts, showcasing their versatility and enduring legacy in modern-day equestrian events.
Herdwick sheep guide: meet these resilient mountain dwellers
Find out about their unique characteristics, history, and the challenges Herdwick sheep face in their rugged mountain habitat
“It was a life-changing experience.” Join the plus-size hiking group getting every body outdoors.
With some smart gear choices and support from others, every body can enjoy the benefits of being active in the countryside
Savernake Forest walk, Wiltshire
Savernake Forest contains thousands of veteran oaks, offering the opportunity to stumble upon a remarkable tree around every corner. Make the most of this incredible forest with BBC Countryfile Magazine's six-mile walk.
Fava bean bessara
Use locally grown fava beans to make this classic Moroccan dip.
Spiced pottage
A luxury take on a medieval staple made with whole fava beans.
Day out: Triscombe Stone and The Drove Road, Somerset
Snaking through beech woodland and across high heather hills is a historic way, etched into
the landscape by the hooves of livestock and the feet of soldiers
British fava beans – history and recipes
The majority of the pulses we eat in Britain are imported from farms across the world - except the humble fava bean which is making a bold comeback. Here is our guide to the history of British fava beans, where to buy them and recipe ideas.