Although it still seems like a while away, the biggest sale event of the year is fast approaching. With countless sales and thousands of discounted products, Black Friday is a fantastic opportunity to save money on expensive outdoor gear like tents.
Whether you're looking for a large family tent to see you through a summer of camp trips, or a one-person backpacking model, you're sure to find a decent bargain in the Black Friday sale.
If it's walking boots you're after, check out our roundup of the best Black Friday walking boot deals.
When is Black Friday 2024?
This year Black Friday will fall on the 29th of November, and Cyber Monday will follow Black Friday on the 2nd of December. The sale event seems to begin earlier and earlier every year, and many retailers launch an entire month of discounts.
How to get a good deal on Black Friday 2024
Not sure where to start? If there's a specific tent brand or retailer you're keen on, keep up to date with newsletters and sale event dates. Plus, shop around and make a note of product prices before the main sale event kicks off to ensure you're getting a genuine bargain.
The CamelCamelCamel browser extension is also a useful tool, especially for Amazon-related shopping. By monitoring the prices of Amazon products, it lets you know whether you're getting the best offer available.
We'll be keeping this page updated with deals throughout November, so again, don't forget to bookmark! Why not check out the best outdoor deals to find some bargains early?
Where to find Black Friday tent deals
These retailers are running tent deals right now:
- Amazon - save on Coleman, Vango, Berghaus and more
- Ordnance Survey - explore deals on dome and tunnel tents
- Blacks - check out the Black Friday sale for up to 50% off
- Cotswold Outdoor - tent sales on big names such as Robens, Outwell and Sea to Summit
- Decathlon - up to 50% off
- Go Outdoors - extra 20% discount for members with code SAVE20, offer ends at midnight on 27 November
- Millets - explore savings on family, pop up and roof tents
- Mountain Warehouse - 50% or more off Mountain Warehouse items, plus an extra 10% off with code BFEXTRA10
- Regatta - enjoy an extra 15% off everything with code CYBER15
Best Black Friday tent deals we found in 2023
Berghaus Air 400XL Nightfall tent, £1,300.00, now £549.00
![Blue family tent](
The Berghaus Air 400XL Nightfall tent is top-quality, easy to pitch, and spacious too. We gave this model 4.5 stars on review, thanks to its big and airy feel. Ideal for a family camping trip, and now available with a 50% saving.
Read our full review of the Berghaus Air 400XL Nightfall tent.
Malawi 2 Man Pop Up Festival Tent, £125.00, now £49.95
Buy now from Regatta, Decathlon
![Blue pop up tent](
On the lookout for a faff-free, budget-friendly pop up tent? A nifty buy for parent-child getaways, the Malawi pop up festival tent features a great waterproof rating and enough headroom for our testers to sit up comfortably inside. We were also relieved to find clear instructions for packing away, allowing for a straightforward departure!
Read more in our roundup of the best pop up tents, reviewed by our team.
Oex Phoxx 2 II Tent, £230.00, now £69.00
Buy now from Millets, Ultimate Outdoors
Looking for a lightweight two-person tent? Try Oex's Phoxx 2 II. It weighs just 2.1kg and you can use the inner tent on its own during hot spells.
The design includes a waterproof groundsheet, lantern hanging points and internal storage pockets.
Eurohike Rydal 500 5-Person Tent, £480.00, now £199.00
![Blue tent](
Able to sleep five people, Eurohike's Rydal 500 features a sewn-in groundsheet, big windows with curtains and a darkened sleeping area to make your family holiday as comfortable as possible.
Vango Brecon Air 600 XL National Trust Edition Air Tent, £1050.00, now £649.00
![Vango blue tent](
If you're in the market for a big family tent for a summer of camping trips, the Vango Brecon Air 600 XL air tent could work for you. The inflatable beams should allow for hassle-free setup, and there's a pre-attached awning and spacious living area for a sociable and comfortable time in the tent.
Read our review of the Vango Aether Air tent 600XL.
MSR Tindheim 2 2-person tent, £449.95, now £337.46
Buy now from Alpinetrek
![Green tent](
This three-season tunnel tent from MSR features a spacious inner tent with a length of 2.34 m, so you can stretch out after a day in the hills. You can also make use of a handy clothesline and an integrated groundsheet in the vestibule — ideal for wet gear and muddy walking boots.
Read our MSR Tindheim 2-person tent review.
Robens Starlight Two Tent, £279.95, now £209.96
Buy now from Alpinetrek, Ordnance Survey
![Green two person tent](
This sturdy, rigid and waterproof two-person tent was a hit on test, plus it's a great price for such a high-quality piece of kit. A top pick for backpacking and cycle touring with panniers, and a durable choice for seeing you through the seasons.
Want to know more? Read our full review of the Robens Starlight 2 tent.
If you're looking for recommendations, check out our reviews of the best pop up tents and the best two-person tents.
Why Black Friday?
Outdoor gear such as tents can cost hundreds, so it's worth waiting for a sales event. Buying a reduced tent in the winter also means you'll be raring to go come the warmer weather and lighter evenings!
Need to refresh your camping gear? Check out our guides to the best camping mattresses, best camping lights for outdoor use, best camping cookware and best camping hammocks.
For even more savings, discover the best Black Friday camping deals, the best Black Friday walking boot deals, the best Black Friday UK travel deals, and the best Black Friday outdoor clothing sales and discounts.