How can spending time away from your electronic devices improve your physical and mental health?
A recent survey revealed that the average Brit spends more than one day online every week.
Continue at this rate and a child born in 2019 who lives to 80 will assign 12 years of their life to phones, tablets and laptops.

Most of us spend too much time online, the internet dictating our days, and while there are positives to this technology, there are well-researched snares, not least anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, eye damage and posture problems.
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Being offline, even just for a short while, is good for our wellbeing.

Next time you go for a walk, leave your phone behind; look at the sunlight filtering through the trees. When you go to bed, switch off your device and read a book. Next time you’re waiting for a bus, refrain from scrolling your social media feeds; instead, watch the birds and listen to the rain.