
“To take away the campsite income would be devastating" – landowners and farmers alarmed at Pembrokeshire Coast National Park's pop-up campsite ban

The National Park Authority plans to remove permitted development rights allowing people to open temporary campsites for 28 days a year to earn extra money.

When does a stream become a river?

British streams and rivers are vital habitats, hosting mammals, invertebrates, birds and amphibians. But what's the difference between them?

Podcast: Adventure into the Welsh hills on an electric bike

Follow an old abandoned railway line deep into the Welsh hills on an eBike – in search of ruins, wildlife and the perfect cup of tea – in episode 13, season 16 of the Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

A quest for peace in deepest Wales with Charlotte Church

Meet singer-songwriter Charlotte Church on a retreat to her wonderful house The Dreaming deep in the Welsh countryside, in episode 4, season 16 of the Countryfile Plodcast

Discovering a fabulous project to bring nature into our towns

Discover Nature Isn't Neat – a council-led project in South Wales to bring nature back to parks, public gardens and roadside – in episode 12, season 15 of the Countryfile Plodcast

Dewstow Hidden Gardens and Grottoes, Monmouthshire

Tip-toe over streams and wind your way through labyrinths in a garden that was lost for half a century

Podcast: A memorable walk with Cerys Matthews in Kew Gardens

Talking Dylan Thomas and the power of nature with musician and broadcaster Cerys Matthews in London's Kew Gardens, in episode 5, season 15 of the Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

Podcast: Relax to a soothing wander around the hidden coves of Anglesey

Meet grey seals and shorebirds at forgotten Cemlyn Bay on the northern coast of Anglesey in episode 4, season 15 of the Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

Podcast: enjoy a New Year wildlife ramble along the River Usk in South Wales

Starting a new season of mindful walks in the British countryside with the BBC Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

Podcast: Adventures in the Black Mountains with the Crickhowell Walking Festival

Experience the joys of walking groups with a day out in the Brecon Beacons with a party from the Crickhowell Walking Festival – in episode 12, season 14 of the Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

Podcast: Take a woodland wander with 'naked campaigner' Hannah Bourne-Taylor

Meet Hannah Bourne-Taylor in the woodlands of South Wales to talk about her brave campaign to help our swifts in episode 10, season 14 of the Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

Podcast: A wild walk with choughs and curlews on Anglesey

Explore the coastal wildlife of a stunning Welsh island and meet curlews and choughs in episode 9, season 14 of the Countryfile Magazine Plodcast

Podcast: Getting lost among hillforts and ravens in the lowlands of Monmouthshire

A winter's walk between hillforts becomes a battle with blocked or vanished footpaths in the farmland of Monmouthshire. In episode 4, season 11 of the Countryfile Plodcast, we explore problems with accessing the countryside
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