Hornsea, East Yorkshire

Hornsea, East Yorkshire

Explore Hornsea's impressive beach, backed by fast-eroding cliffs and a gentle, pastoral landscape that hold's Yorkshire's largest natural lake

Published: April 25, 2012 at 1:13 pm

From the start of the 215-mile Trans Pennine Trail, beside Hornsea’s former railway station, follow the former railway line. At a road, cross and go down Marlborough Avenue. At its end, turn right, signed to the Trans Pennine Trail, but go straight on through allotments where the trail turns left through a gate.

At a road turn left. After 270m, cross and go right though a gate, signed Hornsey Mere Walk. The mere, formed at the end of the Ice Age, is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and an RSPB reserve, attracting wintering gadwalls, goldeneyes, and tufted ducks, among others.

Bend left and follow the path through two gateways, going straight on where a track joins. After two more gates head slightly right to another two gates with a footbridge between.

Bend right at the end of a wood and go through two gates at right angles in the field corner, then ahead on a track. Bear right at the entrance to Wassand Hall, an elegant early-19th-century house set in attractive landscaped grounds near the mere.

2.75 MILES

Just before a lodge, turn left on a track then immediately right (signed) to a gate. Go straight ahead through the field to a crossing track. Turn right through two gates to a road. Turn right then left up a lane signed to Bewholme. Keep on this path, and about 70m beyond an electricity substation turn right and follow the field-side track, bending right then left near Buttercup Farm. At the next left continue ahead, left of the hedge (waymarked). Turn left at the next waymark, and at the field top bear right, with the hedge on your left.

Continue on past a waymark and, when the track heads left, bend right to the road. Turn left along the footpath.


Take the next road left, signed ‘Honeysuckle Farm’. Follow the lane for 1½ miles, then as it bends left, turn right, through a signed gate. At the next waymarker turn left, skirt trees around Little Atwick and then turn right along a track, which bends left. Go through a kissing gate; turn right into Atwick.


At the village T-junction turn left, then right again by the cross. Follow Cliff Road as it bends towards the coast. The road, which used to stretch further, ends abruptly, evidence of the coastal erosion here. Studies have shown that the shoreline is eroded by several metres each year.

Just before the end of the road turn right through the caravan

park. After a concrete pillbox bear left towards the cliff-edge. Follow the path to a gulley. Turn left to the beach then go right, along the beach, for 1.5 miles. Look at the cliffs alongside you as you walk – they provide further graphic evidence of the erosion that has destroyed towns along this coast for more than 1,000 years. As you come into Hornsea, head back along the promenade and return to the start of the walk.

Useful Information


Former railway line, tracks and farmland paths, ending with a walk on the beach. The Trans Pennine Trail section, the roadside and lane sections and the Hornsea Promenade are accessible to wheelchairs and pushchairs.


By car: Hornsea is on the B1242, 12 miles south of Bridlington and 17.5 miles northeast of Hull.

By public transport: From Hull, take the East Yorkshire Motor Services bus 220 Hull to Hornsea; from Bridlington take the East Yorkshire Motor Services bus 130 Bridlington to Hornsea.



The Med

142 Newbegin

Hornsea HU18 1PB

Tel. 01964 536999



East Yorkshire

Coastal Observatory


Yorkshire Wildlife Trust


Yorkshire Tourist Board


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