Catch this quiet corner of the Lancashire coast on a misty morning and it’s like a lost world. Creeks meander and loop through saltmarsh, wraith-like mists swirl across placid pools, invisible stock grazes the nearby reeds, halyards rustle against ghostly masts.
On summer afternoons the area is equally enchanting, with pinks colouring the shoreline and glistening Morecambe Bay preparing for a sunset of riotous colours. The distant Lakeland mountains complete the painting.

Lune Estuary walk
7.1 miles/11.5km | 4 hours | moderate
1 Glasson dock
Start at the The Stork Hotel and join the Lancashire Coastal Way to Glasson, once a railway that linked to Lancaster. The dock thrives as a leisure marina while still catering for coasters and inshore fishing boats. It was built in 1787 to serve Lancaster, as the city’s wharves and channel had silted up. In 1825, it was connected to the inland waterways network by a branch of the Lancaster Canal, allowing large ships to reach Lancaster.

Turn along Tithebarn Hill, topping out beyond the village edge and an immense panorama of marsh, bay and hills. Keep left, then go right from the sharp-left bend on to Marsh Lane and, beyond caravans, along a grassy field track to Crook Farm. Turn left along the lane here.
2 The lighthouse
Fork right at Lighthouse Cottage, recalling a lighthouse built in 1847. The wooden-towered 16m (54ft) lighthouse, lit by paraffin lamps until 1947, was demolished in 1954.
Continue along the shoreline before veering left to the remains of Cockersand Abbey, founded in 1192. Walk through the derelict farmyard and along the access track to Moss Lane. Bear left, drinking in the wide horizons and the distant Bowland Fells. Keep right at the junction, remaining on Moss Lane to the left turn for Glasson Dock.

3 To the Stork Inn
After 650m, take the waymarked gate right and walk the edge of two fields to a drainage ditch. Turn right; in 200m go left on the fenced track, reaching a road beyond a gate and houses. Turn right for 80m, then left along a track beside Hill House. Beyond the pen, walk ahead to the canal bridge; drop to the towpath and turn right, canal to your left. At the bridge past The Mill, turn right to find The Stork Hotel.
Lune Estuary map
Lune Estuary walking route and map

Useful Information
The estuary-side car park is along narrow Corricks Lane in front of The Stork Inn at Conder Green. Buses run regularly between Lancaster and Glasson via Conder Green.
Find Out More
Lancaster Visitor Information Centre
Meeting House Lane, Lancaster LA1 1TH
01524 582394
The Stork Hotel
Corricks Lane, Conder Green, Lancaster LA2 0AN
01524 751234
An atmospheric old inn.