Wicken Fen walk, Cambridgeshire

Wicken Fen walk, Cambridgeshire

An easy-going, 4.7-mile circular walk around one of England's most spectacular wildlife havens.

Published: April 12, 2024 at 11:45 am

In May 1899, the National Trust purchased two acres of Wicken’s Sedge Fen for £10, the beginning of their first nature reserve.

Within 25 years, thanks to some generous donations of land, virtually all of Wicken Fen was in the National Trust’s care. This protection has enabled biodiversity conservation, so that visitors can experience an otherwise lost landscape with its variety of creatures great and small, dramatic skies and tranquility. 

Today, the reserve is a joy to walk around, no matter what time of year you visit.

Wicken Fen walk

4.7 miles (7.5km) | 3 hours | easy | 0m accent

1. Start

Starting at the National Trust car park (CB7 5XP), follow Lode Lane slightly downhill. Pass the Fen Cottage on your left, laid out in the style of a 1930s fen labourer’s home.

A short distance to your right stands the Wicken Fen visitor centre and Docky Hut cafe; ‘docky’ is local slang for a snack. Follow the track ahead, with Wicken Lode on your right

2. 0.4 miles

Crossing a small footbridge, follow the path to your left. Note how the land to your right soon drops a couple of metres. This part of Adventurers’ Fen was farmed until the early 1990s when the National Trust acquired it and began restoring it for wildlife.

3. 1 mile

Where the path drops down off the grassy bank, follow it to the right. This straight course will take you over two cattle grids. Look out for the grazing cattle and ponies, they roam over a large area, but can sometimes be seen here.

4. 1.6 miles

After passing a farm then a small car park on your right, head up the bank and turn right. Pass the concrete footbridge (worth climb for an elevated view) and follow the bank with Burwell Lode to your left. There might be cattle and ponies on either side of the water.

Keep an eye out for marsh harriers too, especially above the reeds about a mile along on your right.

5. 3 miles

You will reach a hump-backed wooden bridge.

To detour to the ‘Five Miles From Anywhere - No Hurry’ pub, head over the bridge and follow the waterway (on your left) half a mile to Upware, crossing a minor road by the lock.

Otherwise, turn right, following Wicken Lode on your left. Look out for dragonflies and damselflies over the water and, if you’re lucky, maybe even the blue flash of a kingfisher.

After three-quarters of a mile, you’ll end up back at the footbridge (point 2). Follow the path back towards the cafe and car park (point 1).

Pop into the visitor centre to browse the gift shop, information displays and for access onto the ancient Sedge Fen (there is a charge for non National Trust members).

Wicken Fen map

Wicken Fen walking route and map

Wicken Fen map
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