Sticky honey sausage with pears

Sticky honey sausage with pears

Try sticky honey and mustard catherine wheel sausage with pears, cobnuts and celeriac mash

It’s not just the name that makes this dish feel appropriate for a bonfire or firework party. The mix of sticky, sweet, savoury and a pop of heat from the mustard is exactly the kind of thing you want to be eating on a cold November night; fire blazing, scarves done up tightly and sparklers at the ready. If you want to up the ante on the spice front, a teaspoon of chilli flakes in the pan at the honey stage wouldn’t go amiss.

A recipe by Stuart Ovenden from The Orchard Cook.


  • A string of 12 good quality pork chipolatas (make sure that they're joined together)
  • A knob of butter
  • 3 Ripe Pears
  • 1tbsp Honey
  • 1tbsp Wholegrain mustard
  • 175ml Dry perry or cider
  • 100g Cobnuts, chopped
  • Salt and pepper


  • Step 1

    Tip the celeriac into a large saucepan and cover with water. Add a pinch of salt and bring to the boil - simmer for 20 minutes until tender, then drain. Return the cooked celeriac to the pan and mash roughly. Stir in the hot milk, butter, spring onions and seasoning then mix well. Pop the lid on the saucepan and keep warm until the sausages are ready.

  • Step 2

    Untwist the links between the chipolatas and push the sausage meat up towards one end to make one long sausage. Roll the sausage into a spiral and push a couple of wooden kebab sticks through at right angles to secure.

  • Step 3

    Half the pears and take out the cores with a melon baller. Fry the sausage in a large frying pan for 10 minutes on each side until browned all over. Drop a good knob of butter into the pan, then add the pears. After 5 minutes, stir in the perry/cider, mustard and honey - season, then pop a lid on the pan and simmer on low for 15 minutes, turning the pears and sausage intermittently. Serve with a scattering of chopped cobnuts and celeriac mash on the side.

Stuart Ovenden is the author of The Orchard Cook, £25, published by Clearview Books. Main image: ©Stuart Ovenden

Polly Webster

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