To make this beautiful sea glass and driftwood mobile you will need: strong nylon thread or fishing wire, sea glass fragments, driftwood

1. Tie a piece of string around two points on a piece of driftwood. Hang it up to make sure it’s level and make adjustments until you’re happy.
2. Arrange the sea glass by size – it tends to look better starting with the larger pieces at the top and working down to the smaller fragments.
3. Attach a piece of nylon thread or fishing wire – twice as long as you would like your mobile to be – around the middle of the driftwood so that the two ends hang down.
4. Tether the two strands together further down the length to create a knot. Pop the first piece of sea glass on top of one of the strands, letting the other lay across the top.
5. Tie the strands together again so that the glass is firmly held between two knots. Continue adding pieces of sea glass in this way.
6. Make sure all the glass is held tightly in place, and then cut off the excess line beneath the last knot. Hang up your new treasure in your home or garden.
Main image: Getty