How to create the perfect log fire

How to create the perfect log fire

These five simple steps will create the perfect steady and cosy fire this winter

Published: August 7, 2019 at 8:42 am

Nothing beats the cheerful blaze of a log fire. When the fire starts roaring, your home feels cosy and ready for all that winter can throw at us.

Keeping the fire ‘low’ - burning just enough wood to keep the stove running efficiently - is an art, but worth learning as it is the secret to an easy life of perfect fires.

These five simple steps by Vincent Thurkettle, author of The Wood Fire Handbook, will ensure you have a steady 'low' fire for the rest of the day - and it only takes five minutes.

Man putting logs on a fire
Good kindling is also essential. Keep a small basket of dry sticks in your home (Photo by Crystal Sing via Getty Images)

Here's how:

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