How can painting help you be more mindful?
Remember splashing paint on paper with wild abandon when you were a child?
Get back to those unbridled moments of focused creativity, drop your grown-up inner critic and rediscover the sheer joy of playing with colours.

Pack paper, pencils, brushes and paints and a jar of water into your backpack next time you go on a countryside walk.
When you find an inspiring spot, let your curiosity guide you to a view you’d like to portray. No need to be literal; it can be as abstract as you like. Relax and drink in the details: observe how the light creates shadows and highlights, the colours vibrant or muted, flowers near and far, shapes of trees, textures of stone walls, hills or buildings.

Focus on the scene with a concentrated, calm awareness, putting all other thoughts aside. Allow your impressions to come out on paper without judgement. Be absorbed in the moment and simply let go.