BBC Countryfile Magazine affiliate links

Our content is written by and in collaboration with outdoor experts and enthusiasts who have years of experience and are highly passionate about walking, British wildlife and nature. We only recommend outdoor gear we’d buy and use ourselves.

Here’s a little more information about how our affiliate content works. 

This article explains: 

  • How affiliates works 
  • How we test products
  • How we choose products

How affiliates works 

When we feature products in our articles, such as walking boots, tents and outdoor clothing, we may earn a small commission as readers click through to the retailer site or buy an item. You can find our disclaimer at the top of articles.

We use a variety of affiliate links and dynamic widgets generated by third party providers including Awin and Amazon Associates, to pull out the latest deals and price comparisons from a range of retailers. When you click on them, you’ll be taken to the retailer site where you can complete your purchase in the usual way. You won’t be charged any more than other customers. 

While we earn commission from certain retailers, we don’t let this impact our editorial integrity. We always choose products based on merit and feature the ones we believe our readers will value the most. We decide on the products before contacting the brands directly. 

If we ever publish paid for content featuring brands or products, we flag it clearly as “sponsored” content.

How we test products

Almost all the products we review are items we have chosen and requested independently. We don’t accept money or free products in exchange for a positive review; we always give our honest, and impartial, opinion.

We test the products in real-life settings, often in our own homes over a set period of time, or in the great outdoors, to make sure they live up to both our expectations and the brand’s product description.

To ensure a fair review in our group tests, every reviewer follows the same detailed testing criteria guide. This allows our team to understand specific positives and pain points, as well as assign awards and star ratings, so we can offer expert guidance and help our readers make an informed decision.

You’ll find ‘How We Tested’ information boxes in our articles so the reader can understand how we reached our five star rating. 

If we include a product in a buyers’ guide without testing, we make this clear to the reader, and select such items through in-depth research and customer reviews. 

How we choose products

We do extensive research to find high-quality products for our readers. We take design, style, functionality and value for money into account, as well as our own personal experience to make sure we’re recommending the very best brands and products, to suit all budgets and buyer preferences. We also update our buyers’ guides with newly tested products to ensure our lists are up-to-date with recent product releases. 

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