Stronger In: Why staying in is better for Britain's countryside

Stronger In: Why staying in is better for Britain's countryside

why staying in the EU is beneficial for Britain's countryside, farmers and wildlife

Published: April 6, 2016 at 1:26 pm


How would remaining in the EU benefit farming?

EU membership gives farmers both unfettered access to Europe - the world's largest single market - and freedom to trade worldwide. Commerce with The EU supports 76,000 agricultural jobs and exports to Europe from this sector are worth £11.4 billion per year. CAP direct account for around 43% of British farming income.

How would remaining in the EU help the protection of wildlife?

By working together we can find policy making expertise to deliver the best cross border environmental protection. It ensures continuity of the Habitats and Birds directives, which give crucial habitat conservation. Effective wildlife protection would be much more difficult if we go it alone.

How would remaining in the EU help keep our environment clean and improve the quality of air and water?

Leaving the EU would be a major threat to the cleanliness of our environment. EU action has set standards in everything from exhaust emissions through to drinking water and river quality. Stiff EU sanctioned penalties await anyone who spills oil from ships

How would remaining in the EU affect the generation of renewable and low carbon energy?

In Europe, Britain is best placed to drive international action to reduce carbon emissions and promote renewable energy. Our green energy targets have been agreed with Europe and by sharing expertise we have access to the best renewable energy technology and ideas across the continent.

Why should someone who cares about the British Countryside vote to remain in the EU?

The British countryside is stronger, safer and better off within the European Union. The EU is a champion of environmental protection and the fight against climate change. It has one of the most advanced legislative frameworks to protect nature and allows our farming industry to thrive. A move away from the EU would be a leap into the dark and present a threat to our countryside for future generations.

What do you think? Is staying in the EU better for Britain's countryside? Read the other side of the debate

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